11..Tanjung Lesung

25 juli 2015 - Tanjung Lesung, Indonesië

Tanjung Lesung beachTanjung Lesung beach

Flowers at Tanjung

Tanjung Lesung

Tanjung Lesung is a beach area not to far from Jakarta (about 130 km). At the moment it is not fully build yet. There is only one real beach resort. The tourist are especially weekend guests form Jakarta and not much bule. The fun part from that is that during weekdays the resort is almost deserted and empthy beaches. The resort is  expensive for Indonesia standards and even for western standards. But then you do get something. Private good bungalow, luxury swimming pool, nice beaches, good restaurant. Renting bikes also possible, which I did. But the neighborhood there is not really nice to bike. Hot and not much to see. Better make walks along the beach, see old fishing villages, swim.

to be continued.