7..Malang (Bromo city)

27 juni 2015 - Malang, Indonesië

MalangSchool at MalangDSC00484DSC00465

Arrived in Malang at the Stasiun. Which is not so strange if you travel by train. Outside the stasiun its crowded as at most Stasiun in Indonesia. Taxi drivers trying get customers. People running around. Lots of traffic.

I did not have a transfer arranged to my hotel, so am looking for a taxi driver. Got one, which was more a small old mini bus. The price (50.000 rp) was to much, but I was tired and well getting ripped of at a price of not more then 4 euros is not really getting ripped of for me as bule, 

The hotel is Helios. A 2 star hotel and I was a bit afraid that it would not be clean.

Arrived there and from the outside the hotel not looks bad. Simple but ok. Checked in and the room was simple as the hotel looks. Bed and bathroom bit dated but at least a clean room.

Felt a flu coming up so I decided to take it easy. At least for the first days. Plan was to look a bt around in Malang, outside Malang and of course see the Bromo (a must when you are there).

Outside the hotel is a local travel agency which arrange trips. Informed there for possibilities and prices. Bromo trip start at 12 in night (to get there in time for sunrise at 4 am). Ends at 12 noon. Further its possible to hire a driver to look around Malang. 

Decided to use my first day to do easy and get better. And look for a mall to repair my watch. Lots of malls are incredible luxury and big in Indonesia. Took a bike taxi (of course with some discussion about the price) and he brought me to a very fancy mall. Gave me the change also see a bit of Malang.  

Afterwards the same guy brought me back to my hotel. I went up to the roof of the hotel where a nice bar/eating place is, with an nice view over the city. There is also a special backpackers hotel on the roof. Lots of backpackers and got easy talking to some guys and girls there from different countries (Canada, Australia, Holland, Germany, Italy they came from).

There was also a teacher (Mr. Dasimun). He told us about a special boy with a Bengal tiger. Both had a special relationship. He was asking me to come with him to see it and also asked if I want to talk with his class. First I was a bit skeptic because afraid he was after money. I told him to think about it. First wanted to check it out. Because I could not visit the Bromo I decided to visit the school.

Well that turned out a very good choice. The tiger and the boy was not to much fun but nice. But then I was "ordered" to talk with the kids. Age 15-18, muslim, boys and girls. A IT class. And thats my line of work. After a shy start of the kids side they opened up, got at ease and asked all kind of things. Even my salary haha. It was a super experience. Kids where eager to learn, friendly, fun. Talked with them about 2 hours.